Soap Paint?

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YES! i DID it!!!!!!!! :D

so, i used rum, blue mica and a Q tip, yes folks, i am McGyver!

this was on CP soap.

i am sure it would work better if i had a paint brush (and some artistic talent). :)
Oh! I just saw this thread, and just wanted to share that I have succesfully made my own soap paints using mica and a dash of food grade vegetable glycerin. I have the soap paints from Brambleberry and that's pretty much all they are made of- mica and glycerin, although there might be a preservative in there, too.

I decided to try making my own last year when I realized I was running out of one of my BB soap paint colors. I just mixed a little mica and vegetable glycerin together, and then borrowed one of my son's unused, small, modeling paintbrushes (for model cars), and voila! It worked great. It took a couple of hours to dry, but that was the only downside. My soap turned out great. It was a honey scented soap that I had poured into one of those Milky Way Bee Skep molds. It had a bee on it and some flowers and leaves that I 'painted'. I still have one of those soaps left (unused in order to see how long it holds up) and it still looks great after almost a year later.

do you think this process would also work with colored clays??? my gut says possibly due to its inert nature...but it might just go all grainy and fall off? (ive got none to experiment with at the moment due to lack of funds but just wanted to see if anyone has tried/thought of this before)