What program do you use to make your cigar wraps??? I am looking to make something for Christmas and the only thing I have come up with is the mesh looking stuff you get at a fabric store & ribbon. I will try to upload a pic soon.
I know that there are several programs out there that people use to make cigar labels like MS word, publisher, printshop etc.
Here is a tutorial with pics:
also got to online labels, they have all kinds of free templates to down load.
also, do a search on etsy for handmade soap, you should get plenty of packaging ideas from there.
I have wrapped in just a plain cigar band, I have wrapped in shrink wrap bands with either a cigar band wrapped over that, or a sticker on the shrink wrap band.
I have wrapped in fabric with a hang tag. Basically I cut the fabric into about 2" wide long strips with a rotarty cutter with a deckle edge. This keeps the fabric from fraying. Then I set the soap into the middle of the fabric strip, and wrap it around the other side. Cross the ends of the fabric and pull it tightaround the soap, and wrap it back around to the front and tie in a knot. Attach a hang tag. It looks really cute this way!
Another thing I have done is I have scanned cute/pretty printed fabric, (remnants) and printed them out on plain 8.5 x 11 cardstock or paper. Those get cut into bands, and wrapped around the soap. Over that goes a plain colored or white band with the soap name ingredients and other info on it. Please note that these were for gifts and not for sale as I'm sure there are laws about copying the fabric.
Muslin bags are another great option. i have seen them with hang tags, with sticker labes, and I have seen the bags hand stamped with rubber stamps, and a hang tag. Here's a good place to get them, they are $14 for 100 bags....oh get the 4x6 size.
ETA just to give you an idea, I did a google search on soap packaged in muslin bags and came up with this:
That's about all the ideas I have right now. LOL!