Soap Noodles

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hi :razz:

Has anyone had experience with soap noodles?

What can you tell me?

Soap noodles are basically a premade soap base for rebatching. The soap has been pushed through some sort of extractor to form the shape of the noodle. Most soap noodles are for commercial use, however some soap suppliers sell soap noodles/rebatching bases, and they are made with traditional soap making ingredients. They are a good alternative for someone who wants a traditional soap based product, but does not want to work with lye.

Sorry OP, I have never worked with soap noodles, but I have rebatched my own soap base. Results can vary per person. Since I do a lot of hot process soap, I don't mind rebatching as the finished results are about the same. You will not get a pourable product. The soap will be thick like mashed potatoes (you have to glop it in the mold), and some people find this difficult to work with. The finished bars are more rustic looking, but many people like the look. One advantage would be that you can add special superfat oils/butters and know they won't be touched by lye.

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hello! so would rebatching the more comercial soap bases (made for a plodder) not wpork? I have access to some that are plam, glycerin and EDTA
Welcome to the forum! This post is several years old. Unfortunately none of the OP's have been here in a very long time. I suggest starting a new thread as most members will avoid old threads. You would more than likely recieve more assistance.