I put my recipe in the bramble calculator. I have 7 oz palm oil, 7 oz coconut oil, 1.5 oz castor oil, 4 oz sunflower oil, and 10.5 oz olive oil. I used 4% super fat in calculator. The calculator said to use 4.22 oz lye and 9.90 oz water. Did all that. Kept oil and lye under 130 degrees. Put in orange oil and orange zest at end but did use mixer and it did get thicker quick. Put it in loaf pan mold was beautiful orange. An hour later big crack down middle so used a little alcohol spray closed back together. At the same time it was turning grey in crack area and more turning grey now. Does anyone have an idea why? Never had this do this before. I did cover it with plastic wrap after I put it in my mold. Which now I read about how if it’s to hot it can crack. But turning grey. I use to use 6-8 % super fat and had no problem. Could it be because I used 4% super fat?