If it's cp or hp soaps, I don't think it will really be cost effective as he is buying a bar In less than a dollar. If no one here knows anything about these small machines, its ok I'll just go look elsewhere. My passion for soaps lies in the handmade ones, my passion for money lies on mass production for this guy. And please, if u don't have any helpfull advice, move on. With all do respect
Right now this guy's company uses sells around 8000 bars a month, he's looking to cut in the cost, his supplier produce nice soaps but quite plain ones, he is the who is going to invest the money and he knows it could take some time. If it's cp or hp soaps, I don't think it will really be cost effective as he is buying a bar In less than a dollar. If no one here knows anything about these small machines, its ok I'll just go look elsewhere. My passion for soaps lies in the handmade ones, my passion for money lies on mass production for this guy. And please, if u don't have any helpfull advice, move on. With all do respect
I'm not coming here to steal your long years knowledge and experience, or ask for ready to made recipes that you worked on for years. I'm just looking to see if anyone about machine made soaps and can help me out.
I don't wish to leave, I like this forum and it helped me a lot, but in this matter I must have asked the wrong people, obviously everyone here is only into handmade soaps, which is great, I simply wanted to know more about machine made ones. No need to attack me just because I'm asking for help. You can't make assumptions about me cause non of you know me. I'm not planning on make or obviously sell something that I don't know about, this is exactly why I came here and asked for help.
You are all wasting your breathe, or well typing, and time. You can tell by the way he types that English is not his first language and his way of doing things is very common in his culture. He probably thinks you are all just jealous and will not be able to understand how you believe you are helping him by trying to warn him not to sell.
I've seen this many many times and it is a culture thing. Sad but true.
You are all wasting your breathe, or well typing, and time. You can tell by the way he types that English is not his first language and his way of doing things is very common in his culture. He probably thinks you are all just jealous and will not be able to understand how you believe you are helping him by trying to warn him not to sell.
I've seen this many many times and it is a culture thing. Sad but true.
Respectfully, while I agree with the majority opinion that it is short sighted and unwise to attempt selling in mass quantities with little to no experience, could you refrain from making assumptions about "his culture." There is no information on the OP's public profile about where he is from. I could cite plenty of examples of native English speakers who sell before they are ready and become defensive when they are given prudent advice to the contrary. Sadly, this is not unique to a particular culture or country.