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nebetmiw, I agree with you! I learned a lot, really a lot, reading this forum, asking and geting answers from all great experienced soapers.
So, when I was reading this Soap Crafting book I realized that I already know everything about safety, oils, fragrances, colors and so on. But when reading a book, you get so many new ideas, there are some great recipes there and well...I like crafts books. I can read them again and again and if I feel not inspired or not creative enough, I just take one of my books to get new boost.
I just bought the book "The Natural Soap Chef" by Heidi Corley Barto. I really like it but as a very new soaper I have to ask if anyone else has it. She advises putting your soap in the fridge right after you mold it and everything else I've read says to wrap it in towels. Now I'm confused as to which one to do?

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Just as some additional input I have "The Soapmakers Companion" by: Susan Miller Cavitch and "The Soapmaking Book 3rd Edition" by: Alicia Grosso. Both of them great books with lots of recipes.
Basic Soap Making: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started
by Elizabeth Letcavage and The Natural Soap Chef: Making Luxurious Delights From Cucumber Melon and Almond Cookie to Chai Tea and Espresso Forte by Barto and Corley just arrived in my mailbox today. I've flipped through and they seem great, although most of the information seems to be available here on the forum.

P.S. I still haven't been able to locate the 'rules' thread. Am I allowed to use italics?

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