soap labels

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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can someone post "A Dummy's Guide to Soap Labels" PA-LEASE? :( We're talking a basic-no extras computer here. Is a logiciel needed? I have read that I can buy stickers then download a program to print them up BUT how do you transfer an idea for a label? Are you limited to just round, rect., and square stickers or is it possible to get a more 'elegant' shaped sticker?? AND HOW do you print up cigar bands? THANKING YOU!!!
Cigar bands are simply strips of printed paper wrapped around your soap and sealed, either with tape, a sticker, glue or some other method of holding paper together. A word processing program is all you need from a software point of view to create these. A table created in the software will allow you to set how wide you want the bands (either portrait or landscape, whichever fits your bars best), you can print several on one sheet of paper, depending on how wide you make them. Print and use a paper cutter or scissors to cut them apart, wrap them around the bars and seal them. If you label them shortly after you cut, before the soap cures much, the bars will shrink and your bands will fall off.
brandnew said:
can someone post "A Dummy's Guide to Soap Labels" PA-LEASE? :( We're talking a basic-no extras computer here. Is a logiciel needed? I have read that I can buy stickers then download a program to print them up BUT how do you transfer an idea for a label? Are you limited to just round, rect., and square stickers or is it possible to get a more 'elegant' shaped sticker?? AND HOW do you print up cigar bands? THANKING YOU!!!

I use you can design pretty much any label you want and the prices of the labels are the best I have found, the free software is an added bonus.
I use PrintMaster to make my cigar bands and labels. Just use an elongated rectangle to make your cigar band. You can adjust the size and fill color, add graphics and text.
I buy Avery round and square label stickers at Target or and Office store, and on the package is info about their website and how to download templates for their labels. You just download the template into Word and type up what you want. The stickers are not exactly fancy- but they both fit well on my soaps.

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