Soap Issues - What is the problem?

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Apr 30, 2009
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I recently have had a re-occurring issue with my soap. As the picture shows I continue to get a dark layer on the top with occasional little dark spots on the surface. I have a little plastic drawer that I use as my mold (obviously the dark layer is the part that is not in contact with the mold. This batch totaled one pound and I used a total of 0.7 ounces EO & FO (.3 Tea Tree Oil & .4 Vanilla). I insulated it by wrapping it in a towel.
My thoughts are that it is too insulated on the top and it is doing it's thing differently than the rest. Or could this result from not mixing the FO's & EO's enough? Or the excess soap I scrap out of the bowl that goes on top is different from the main body?
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. I greatly appreciate all help. Thanks.

Can't figure out how to make the picture smaller. Sorry.

is this hp? becuase if it is i get all sorts of varying colors, youre right the part you scrape from bowl is already getting hard. I found that if i add 2 oz of mango butter after cook it is not so thick and very moisurizing.
This is a toughy. The brown staining is consistant with vanilla but it looks like it wasn't blended in thoroughly. Did you use a stick blender? And there are spots in there that I can't identify. Also could be unmixed EO, orrrrr is the place you make this dusty? And it is possible that the container you are using is reacting with the lye soap, though I've used everything from gladware to a nail container, (and yes, I dumped the nails out and now have no idea what to do with and have never seen this before. You didn't by any chance use Food Grade Vanilla instead of an EO did you? I say, leave it for a month if it's CP and 2 days if it' HP and watch it mature. Then lick it, if it dosn't zap, use it. And keep playing because even bad soap is still soap.
It is cold process. Live in Kentucky. It was a vanilla FO and Tea Tree EO. I'm going to try the same blend again tomorrow and use the stick blender after I add the fragrances (I have been just hand stirring after adding the fragrances). Does everyone scoop all the oil out of the pan, or just what dumps out and not what's on the side of the bowls. Thanks for your input.
Nah, we all scoop. I`ve never mixed FO`s and EO`s before. Are you mixing them together then adding them, maybe try mixing them in a little oil, Castor, avacado, almond, or any other that suits your fancy, they may be fighting each other.
Ooh I recognise that kinda top. I used to get that all the time very similar , but I also agree with Jeremy that it doesn't look completely blended. ... ght=brains

I reckon it was over insulation and condensation, I have done CPOP since then with no problems as I haven't covered it, somebody recomended covering with cardboard rather than plastic, but I have yet to try this, need more supplies!