Soap, Inchoate

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2015
Reaction score
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Last night I started to make a quick batch of uncolored, unscented soap for a friend, but was interrupted. I had lye made and oils measured, but ended up needing to stop and take care of something else. Rather than try to rush it, I just decided to seal everything up and wait until today.

I have always been curious whether my preferred blend of oils could be master batched, or if it would separate when cooled. I have never waited long enough to find out. Well, I found out this morning that they definitely separate in the mid-70F's. Not that surprising.

Now all day I've been thinking about those ingredients just sitting there waiting for me. Rather than just throwing it into molds white, I think I'm going to try some pencil line stuff with a bit of AC. I've still got an hour and a half until I go home, then I have to make dinner, all before I can make that soap complete. Wish me luck making it! :mrgreen:
It's Soap, Accomplished now.

I tried that dragonscale thing someone posted about, waiting for a very stiff trace and piping into the mold from a gallon ziploc, sprinkling AC on alternate layers. It seemed to go pretty well - assuming I didn't beat the "scales" flat while trying to knock out air bubbles. I'll post a pic as soon as I cut (hopefully tonight).

The thing took FOREVER to get to a stiff, pudding trace though. Starting at 100F, with no scent to accelerate even a tiny bit and lots of oleic from the lard and safflower it took, like 40 minutes!
So here it is. There are a few voids that I wish had filled, but it doesn't look too bad overall, I think. Edges need trimmed and washed to get rid of excess charcoal, bit I like it.

So you meant THAT dragon scale, I thought you meant the mermaid scales thingy. Lol. I want to try that technique too though, it looks awesome.
Well geez, BG, that looks awesome! I can't imagine the patience that went into the design. No FO wreaking havoc helped I'm sure but that looks great! Every time I see that design I don't even consider it since I know I'll never make it fly.:twisted:
I did it a little different than Kittish. I let it go to a very thick trace - like pudding when it's ready to eat. I put it into a ziploc bag and cut off the corner for piping. I piped it in lines, lengthwise down the mold. The lines were as close as I could get them without actually touching. Then I sprinkled a bit of charcoal, and piped new lines on top, over the junction of the existing lines. I kept alternating that process. It didn't really take very long to do it, probably less than five minutes. Next time I will be more careful and take a bit more time so it's neater, but I don't think it would take more than ten minutes no matter how careful I was.
And that is exactly why sharing information is a good thing! BrewerGeorge improved on my original idea, and I'm certainly going to swipe his adaptation next time I try this design.

I think I'm going to use a variant of your idea for my first challenge soap, BrewerGeorge, just skip the AC or cocoa powder. I'd been puzzling how to get the tiny little wavy looking bits for blue lace agate and I think the piped lines should do the trick nicely.
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