What is your full recipe and method?
From your picture it can be anything from burning, ingredient quality, or mis measuring.
\\\\\\Olive Oil: 680g
Coconut Oil: 454g
KOH: 252 g
Water: 252g
I just washed the pot, and it looks like the KOH has eaten through the pot :/ now I am confused on what material to use for the pot
I switched on my exhaust fan and walked out of the kitchen. If I knew it was producing Hydrogen gas I would have placed the pot outside.I too think your soap pot is the problem. Please be aware -- if the pot is made of aluminum that the reaction between NaOH and aluminum releases hydrogen gas. The small amount of hydrogen being produced is not likely to be a hazard in an open environment, but I would be cautious just to be on the safe side. You may want to put the pot outside in a safe place away from people and animals and any sparks. Let the saponification process finish up, and then discard the soap.
is the pot aluminum ??? if it is then there is your problem , you having a chemical reaction with the lye