Soap fragrance too strong

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New Member
Sep 9, 2024
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I made my 3rd ever batch of CP soap, and while I LOVE how it turned out (Himalayan salt bars) I now deeply regret scenting it with Eucalyptus and Lemongrass EO. It reminds me too much of my dogs bath water which is what I bought them originally for.
Is there a way to lessen or even (dare I hope) eliminate the scent?
I am assuming that you mean once the soap is made?
As the soap ages it will naturally lose fragrance scent. Leave it in an open area, not protected in a box. Within 6 months the scent will have faded a great deal. In the mean time, make more soap with less fragrance to use while this one loses its scent.😉
Also, you can grate the soap and salt it to remove scent, but to me, that is a lot of work. See:
Thank you! @Nona'sFarm and @artemis
I ended up just removing them from my work area and chucking them (carefully) into my bedroom closet. Problem solved. I looked at them today and at least the smell is not overwhelming anymore.
I read somewhere that placing some activated charcoal with them might soak up some of the scent, so I am going to try that. They came out too pretty to rebatch. :)
I've heard making salt bars with Himalayan salt makes them too scratchy, have you noticed something like that?

I'm also curious how the activated charcoal works for you, in theory it should absorb most things in the air - keep us updated!
@Ekuzo I too have heard/read that Himalayan salts are scratchy however I have never actually tried a soap with it (first time making it). I did use half plain table and half Himalayan so I guess I will find out when its ready.
I finely ground Himalayan salt in a coffee grinder and then sifted it. It didn't scratch my very sensitive skin.
Really small crystals are much easier to dissolve than bigger ones, so that should work - that's good to know

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