soap curls

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2009
Reaction score
Has anybody successfully done soap curls?

I followed the recipe (sort of) the basics anyway, and my soap was too hard to even remotely curl. I couldn't slice it thin enough. It just cracked.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Maybe a recipe and how much water to use. Thanks!

BTW, thanks heartsong for the link.
I use a vegetable peeler to get it thin enough and they do curl nicely. I tend to do while the soap is still pretty fresh - within a couple of weeks on making.


:D hi there!

i put one afternoon aside just to do colors. i make a 3-4 # batch of unscented rtcp soap and have about a dozen small plastic containers set aside. i mix my batch, then measure out 6-8 oz into a measuring cut and add my color. once i've got the desired color i pour into a container. i use a spatula to get out all the soap i can an then wipe it clean with a paper towel, then go on to the next color.

i just let them set on the counter over night. not letting them gel keeps the colors brighter.

after they have set up, to about the firness of cheese, (usually 48 hrs) i put them in the freezer for about an hour-pop them out and place each on in a separate ziplock bag an put in the fridge in the garage.

when i need a particular color, i just peel off what i need and put the rest back.

the soap remains soft and easy to grate or peel into strips.

BTW i use a 2:1 water/lye mix.
I attempted to curl some fresh soap but it seemed like I needed patience and some kind of skill. I might try again sometime. Please post your pics :D
I use ungelled or pretty fresh soap , like Lindy said a potato peeler works great or a mandolin slicer if you want a larger curl or a ridged curl. The mandolin works good on older soap too . You can pop the soap in the freezer for a bit , if the soap seems to soft to curl.

HTH Kitn

ChrissyB said:
Monet, I would love to see a picture of the soap that you make with the curls in it.

i've never attempted the soap curls as seen at

i use this to coarsely grate, peel or chop up unto small pieces to add color to my batches. i find that new (fresh) soap is easier to work with and cuts better than fully cured soap.

i'd love to be able to post pic's, but the only access i have at the moment is a "main-frame net" i get at some truckstops in the country. it is a unit that fits into my passenger's window with a screen. i then plug in my keeyboard. all i can do is surf, chat (and shop!) on line.

i just can't afford wireless right now-my cell phone is enough. and having one at home would only give me access about once a month, as i'm usually out 3-4 weeks at a time.

perhaps things will change here in the near future!
Great ideas! Thanks everybody. I already have some ideas spinning in my head.