Hello! I am new here! Just tried my first batch of HP soap. I tried for hours to get to trace but never came close. I poured into molds anyway and ended up with sludge that separated into something that looked like pecan pie filling on the bottom and bacon grease on the top. Pretty awful! Ha!
I followed instructions I found to be pretty standard online for HP soap. Melted hard oils then added soft oils to hard oils. In a separate container, added lye to water and stirred until ciear. Got both oils and lye solution to about the same temp (high 80's F...maybe I did not get hot enough but my lye solution was not that hot). Then combined oils and lye solution in same slow cooker I had melted the oils in. Blended with emersion blender (I may have blended too quickly without pulsing first).
Again, never got anywhere near trace. Mixture seemed very thin/watery (followed recommendation of 38% water to oil).
I wonder if my lye was bad (it is labled as 100% sodiume hydroxide, from the hardware store). As I mentioned, it did not get very hot when mixed with water. Another suspicion is that I blended too fast, without pulsing. I also wonder if I had the slightest amount of dish detergent left in my mixing containers from when I washed them before starting (I doubt this but must trying to think of all possibilities).
SoapCalc seemed to think my recipe was fine - I am trying to make something for especially sensitive skin. So lots of creamy fats and not fragrance or EO.
My formula from Soap Calc is below. Any seasoned soapmaker advice is welcomed! Thank you!
I followed instructions I found to be pretty standard online for HP soap. Melted hard oils then added soft oils to hard oils. In a separate container, added lye to water and stirred until ciear. Got both oils and lye solution to about the same temp (high 80's F...maybe I did not get hot enough but my lye solution was not that hot). Then combined oils and lye solution in same slow cooker I had melted the oils in. Blended with emersion blender (I may have blended too quickly without pulsing first).
Again, never got anywhere near trace. Mixture seemed very thin/watery (followed recommendation of 38% water to oil).
I wonder if my lye was bad (it is labled as 100% sodiume hydroxide, from the hardware store). As I mentioned, it did not get very hot when mixed with water. Another suspicion is that I blended too fast, without pulsing. I also wonder if I had the slightest amount of dish detergent left in my mixing containers from when I washed them before starting (I doubt this but must trying to think of all possibilities).
SoapCalc seemed to think my recipe was fine - I am trying to make something for especially sensitive skin. So lots of creamy fats and not fragrance or EO.
My formula from Soap Calc is below. Any seasoned soapmaker advice is welcomed! Thank you!