Soap calc numbers

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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I am waiting for coconut oil to arrive this week and going through withdrawals lol.

I'm playing around with soapcalc and put in a recipe but I'm still learning how to interpret the numbers correctly.

Does this look like an ok Soap Quality to you experienced soap makers?

Hardness 45
Cleansing 30
Conditioning 50
bubbly 32
creamy 17
Iodine 51
INS 163

Also...any thoughts on this would be helpful...I ran my last recipe through soap calc and learned that I may have been short .25 ounces of lye for the recipe. The bars hardened perfectly and have been lovely to use. If I remake the recipe do I stick with the numbers that worked before (.25 less than soap calc recommends) or could that cause a problem and I should use the slightly higher lye amount next time? Thank you for any thoughts here.

Still learning and reading so many of the archives!
talking to myself for a moment lol but I am happy with all numbers except's pretty far out of the 12-22 range that soap calc recommends...
cleansing too high, try and keep it under 22, so less co i think would lower that.
thank you, I did reduce CO and put most of the difference in more olive oil and an ounce more shea butter... came up with

Hardness 37
Cleansing 21
Conditioning 59
bubbly 26
creamy 19
Iodine 60
INS 143

Looks like that gets my numbers all in a nice range. Maybe I'll reduce the CO even a bit more when I soap it...just don't want too soft of a bar.

So fun to experiment!
Sure, The second set of numbers with the cleansing number in range is:

Olive oil 57.34%
Coconut oil 15.33 %
Castor 4.5%
Shea 4.5%
Palm Kernal 18.33%

This would be the highest OO bar I've tried yet... my other recipes have been 40-45% OO with 25-30% CO...

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome, I'm having fun seeing how each different recipe turns out but I don't want to make any obvious mistakes lol
my fav ecipe would be like this
oo 12 oz would make your numbers like: hard-41
co 9 cleansing 19
palm 9 cond- 55
shea 3 oz bubbly-27( i like high bubbles)
castor 3 creamy-30
honor435 said:
my fav ecipe would be like this
oo 12 oz would make your numbers like: hard-41
co 9 cleansing 19
palm 9 cond- 55
shea 3 oz bubbly-27( i like high bubbles)
castor 3 creamy-30

Thank you this is very helpful,

I'm still really learning how these oils work together. For instance, your recipe has 10% more coconut oil but a lower cleansing number. Very interesting, I just played around with soap calc a lot and got a better idea of how the other oils can change the soap quality numbers, etc.

So much to learn! :)

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