I'm a meticulous scraper, too. I'm not happy unless I know I've done my level best to get every drop out, whether it be oils or soap batter.
I love the feel of shea butter and mango butter, and I look forward to getting bits of them on my hands when weighing them out. I don't know what it is, but I just love rubbing them between my fingers.
I use the same stainless pot in which I make HP soap for making homemade chicken soup.
I soap barefoot.
We have a fairly small, narrow kitchen, so I take over the whole thing when making soap. Everyone knows to keep out, especially my hubby who can't even be anywhere near the vicinity of the kitchen because the strength of the scents emanating from the raw batter bother his nose. Once the soap is made, cut, and on the curing racks, though, he's fine.....thankfully (whew!). So, I pretty much soap either late at night when he's at the opposite end of the house in bed, or when he's at work. My favorite of the 2 is late at night.
I choreograph each batch down to the tiniest detail before I make it, and have all the ingredients/tools for it super-organized before I begin, i.e., everything is weighed/measured out and placed on my counter in the exact order in which I'll need to add them, my tools are all laid out in a handy spot, and my molds are all lined and ready to go., etc... I've learned the hard way that I'm the kind of person that needs to be a stubborn stickler about such things or else something will get forgotten and I'll spend much of the night kicking myself. lol
I've also learned the hard way to keep detailed notes, so as soon as I'm done cleaning up, I sit down and write a blow by blow account of how things proceeded. It's quite the tedious thing to do, no doubt about it, but I can't tell you how many times down the line it's saved my proverbial butt from being kicked by myself for having been lazy about it. When I'm tired after cleaning up from soaping, it's very easy for me to think: "Oh, I don't need to write that down- I'll remember it"...but history has proven time and again that I never do, so I pretty much make myself write it down while it's still fresh in my mind, whether I want to or not. lol
Probably my deepest secret is that I wish I could be as consistently disciplined/organized when it comes to other things in my life, but then again, that would be unbalanced, right? :razz:
lenarenee said:
I'm using 2 week old IL recipe salt bars at the kitchen sink - and I have been all week! Me loves it! So from now on - when they tell you to cure salt bars for months - don't believe them!
Oh, I'm so glad you like it!
I'm perfectly fine with mine at 4 weeks.