My venture should be about to finish saponifying right now. No idea if it comes out anywhere near my ideas. We'll see. It will be a spot landing in any case, since the most unreliable and patience-demanding part of the process is still ahead.

If I deem it entry-worthy, I will submit it. (Not gonna retry it if it doesn't meet my conceptions.) But in any case, I will share my experiences here.
As an appetiser:

“Woad-cester Sauce” (
woad indigo vat, yellow-brown in the reduced state, will hopefully lend its cerulean colour to the soap at 0.25%TOW). Fructose vat doesn't work well at ambient temperatures, so I heated it up over a candle (woefully, that means that the soap will not be orthodox palm-free, since it was a palm stearin tea light).

Once the whole party was over, this is what the excess batter of the squeeze bottle with the actual, dyed soap batter (diluted with rinse water, and whipped from shaking) looks like. It turned into just about the sky blue hue which I
hope the main batter will end up like

You can estimate what a beast of colourant indigo is, by the discolouration that happened at the top and bottom, over night, from just standing and saponifying along.