SMF May Challenge- Interpretation, not Imitation

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How are you all doing?

Well, I will be cutting my first attempt hopefully tonight - I think it has hardened up enough. But that fourth colour is all wrong anyway, so if it looks any way decent I'll post a pic.

Then - on to a second attempt on the weekend.

And the rest of you ... ?
I made two attempts already but my idea/interpretation cannot be translated into soap design because... it is impossible, as I see it now. I have two days of vacation now and plan to soap a lot!
How are you all doing?

Still trying. I have another attempt in the mold, but I have a feeling I poured the first part too soon and my colors will wash out. DH is going fishing this weekend, so I should have time for another try.
Thanks newbie, I hope it's ok. I'm always wary of misinterpreting things and doing entirely the wrong thing! That happened a lot in art class at school......
Well then Saponista, that was one piece of gorgeous soap, well done!!

I can just pack up, yours are so beautifull it makes mine look like bird droppings, lol :p
Oh Penelope, if you check with newbie behind the scenes then you can find out if your soap qualifies, don't not enter it without showing it to her! And don't be so down on yourself mysoapyheart. I bet your soap is lovely.
Yes, if anyone is uncertain, please show me your soap before you assume it wouldn't be fine to enter. You know how we all are about our own soaps. PM me for my email address.

Interpretation is very very personal so there is no wrong answer regarding that for this challenge. That's part of why I wanted people to put the voting aside and just focus on a soap that reflects something they see or feel about a picture.
Can we start May all over again? Super busy but wonderful month.

I'm biting my fingernails this week since I chose the gray bird too, but I'm still waiting for a mica order to arrive. I tried using small amount of purple mica to get grays - but what a sick looking gray that makes!
Thank you, Sonia : )

Supercool soap, BlackDog, thumbs up! I only have two, but you get the both, ok? : D

I have sent you an email with my picture, Newbie, let me know if you don`t get it.
I'm having a heck of a time getting out of the concept-and-planning stage --- and into the just-do-it-already stage!
I'm going to work with the crane picture, but every idea I have for the soap puts it way inside the "imitation" taboo.
Anyways, I only get one try---I just don't have the time between now and the 25th to do a bunch of do-overs, so we'll just have to cross fingers that it will at least turn out to be nice, usable soap.
I have a colour fail that I'll post when it's set enough to handle.
I also have my fingers crossed that I got the colour close enough on the second try.
I went total impressionest but kept both ears. DW still says I'm colour blind though.:???:
I have wanted to enter this challenge all month because I love the fact that we have so much creativity with it -and I love the photos- but I've been so busy this month I know that I won't have the time to give this challenge the justice it deserves.

I'm loving the entries so far and the absolute creativity and explanations. I can't wait to see all the diversity from this challenge!
This is so exciting - I'm in awe Black Dog, so cool! My idea for that pic was totally different but I so love yours!
Well done Saponista and MySoapyHeart - awesome both of you. Oh isn't this fun :D Love seeing others' creative ideas.

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