Well-Known Member
Forgot to say thanks for showing us what you have done so far battegnome!
lol For some reason everyone gets me and Sonya confused - maybe because we are both English and our nicknames begin with S? My name is Claire
Not that I mind being confused with Sonya, she's lovely - just thought I would let u all know my real name
Trick the old knife into reappearing by buying the new one from a shop that allows you to return unused stuff! I've done that and it works.I've gotten my vision drawn out. I'm going to make mosaic pieces tonight when I get home. I hope I don't screw them up. I need to do two different variegated colors and I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to accomplish that. ITP? I'm terrible at those... I also need to buy a Xacto knife because I cannot find the one I already have. I know that as soon as I buy a new one, the old one is going to show up within a week. That's the story of my life.
Trick the old knife into reappearing by buying the new one from a shop that allows you to return unused stuff! I've done that and it works.