1. Jade-15 - voted
2. Snappyllama - voted
3. BlackDog - voted
4. Wildcraft Garden - voted
5. mintle - voted, thank you, I couldnt make up my mind because so many of them look great!
6. topofmurrayhill - voted
7. LP voted
8. Newbie-voted
9. Judiraz- voted
10 JuneP - voted (wished I could have had more votes!
11. Sonya - voted
12. KCHaystack - Voted
13. jules92207 - voted
14. QueenBeeSoap - voted
15. TheDragonGirl - voted
16. Seawolfe - voted
17. DeeAnna - voted. So many good designs to pick from -- tough decisions!
18. MySoapyHeart voted
19. AMD voted
20. Rowan voted
21. Misschief - voted
22. Sweetbubbletreat- voted
23. CaraBou - voted
24. dibbles - voted
25. doriettefarm - voted (dang that was harder than expected!)
26. steve85569 voted but ot really wasn't easy choosing only three!
27. KristaY - I voted but it took me 10 min to decide on what I liked best!
28. Penelope Jane - voted
29. Traderbren- voted.
30. SunWolf - voted...it was torturous to only choose 3, but I did finally got it narrowed down
31. TBandCW - voted
32. Deedles - voted....VERY hard to choose!