SMF January 2017 Challenge: Gradient Layer

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Mar 18, 2015
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Hi all!
Can you believe it's 2017 already? Time sure flies! Happy New Year!
I know I haven’t been too active on the forum lately, but I’ll be here for all of you this month for the challenge. This month’s challenge is “ombre gradient layered soap".
I did not have a much time as I would’ve liked during my winter break between teaching to make and film a “challenge” soap. I also had some sad things happen during this season which took up some time. So this soap video was made without a challenge in mind over 6 months ago. I altered it for the challenge and added some captions. I think it works really well though and this should be a great month!

Below is a video of me making my ombre gradient soap. You may use any color you like to base your gradient off of, however you must have at least 5 layers. I’ll see if I can get some other pictures of gradient soap since mine is not the best example. All of your layers must be distinguishable (even if they are suuuuuper close in color, that’s ok!). Let me know if you have any questions! I'm also at my boyfriends mom's house and their internet doesn't like my computer for some reason, so It might be a little while before this link works. The video is uploading as I type!

Welcome to January’s SMF Soap Challenge!

General Rules:

1.The only members eligible to vote are those with their names on the sign up list - regardless of whether or not you have submitted an entry.
2. This months voting will be password locked. Passwords will be PM'ed to registered participants ONLY. So please check your PM's when the voting begins.
3. No posting your entry photos until the entry thread is made. Non entry photos are very welcome!
4. You are allowed to change your entry photo up until the entry thread closes. So if you decide after you post your entry you want another try, and you like the second better, you can change it up until the deadline.

This month’s challenge is a gradient, layering challenge.
SMF Challenge Specific Rules You must use at least 5 layers, each with a different color

· You must choose at least 1 color to base your soap off of (for example pink) However, you may use up to TWO colors to meet in the middle with. I’ll be asking permission for some examples of this type of gradient.

· You must have the bulk of your soap be your gradient.

· The top of your soap may be decorated in any way you like as long as it does not interfere with the gradient layer design.

Challenge Entry Thread Opens January 15, 2016.

Challenge Entry Thread Closes January 25th, 2016 (12 pm CST).

Survey for choosing the winning choices opens immediately the 25th (6 PM CST).

Winners Announced January 31st, 2016.

SMF Challenge General Rules

· To enter you must have a minimum of 50 posts and been a member for a month (sorry but no exceptions on this)

· Please add your name to the sign up list if you wish to participate (however, you don’t have to enter a soap at the end if you don’t feel happy with what you have produced)

· The challenge thread should be used to upload pictures of any of your challenge attempts where you can ask for advice and discuss the technique with other members.

· Please do not post an image of the soap you intend to enter into the challenge into the discussion thread. Reserve those photos for the entry thread.

· Constructive criticism is welcomed, but please try to keep your comments polite.

· Competition entries must be uploaded to the separate entry thread before the closing date.

Edit: the video should be working as of 7:45 AM CST
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Your soap is beautiful! And, I loved your video, especially when you said something like, "Oh well, it's just soap!" I am still in the learning phase and get so frustrated when my soap doesn't end up looking like I had planned. I tried making a gradient soap recently and messed it up so bad I had to throw it in the crockpot. It's usable but hideous. I have to remember that it's just soap! :)

BTW, I LOVE the color that you used May I ask what it is and where you purchased it from?
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm... I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm... I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
6. Crispysoap - bring it on
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm..I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
6. Crispysoap - bring it on
7. PenelopeJane - this should be fun
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm..I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
6. Crispysoap - bring it on
7. PenelopeJane - this should be fun
8. Steve85569 - I just happen to have an FO that accelerates...
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm..I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
6. Crispysoap - bring it on
7. PenelopeJane - this should be fun
8. Steve85569 - I just happen to have an FO that accelerates...
9. earlene - another new technique for me to learn! Thank you
Your soap is beautiful! And, I loved your video, especially when you said something like, "Oh well, it's just soap!" I am still in the learning phase and get so frustrated when my soap doesn't end up looking like I had planned. I tried making a gradient soap recently and messed it up so bad I had to throw it in the crockpot. It's usable but hideous. I have to remember that it's just soap! :)

BTW, I LOVE the color that you used May I ask what it is and where you purchased it from?

Thank you for the compliment! I'm so glad you like that quote! I actually picked it up after watching some Bob Ross painting videos. His attitude rubbed off on my and I applied it to soap! It's my soaping motto and keeps me from ever feeling terrible on a batch.

The color comes from "Stephs Micas and More". It's called ruby rose. It's one of my favorites. She does pre-buys only and has a Facebook group. I really love all the colors I have and her prices are great. I've been using her micas for a little over a year now. She has a nice website too. I can pm it to you if you'd like since I don't want to advertise it in this thread.
My first attempt is out of the mold and I'll probably cut today. But judging from how it looks right now, I am not particularly hopeful. I think I misjudged the different shades of the same color when I mixed them. Right now it looks like 3 shades and not 5. Maybe some water evaporation will help and maybe it won't. I'll just have to wait and see.
1. BattleGnome - super excited for a new challenge
2. Mx6inpenn - I'm game
3. dibbles - I can't believe I've never done this
4. MissChief - Twist my rubber arm..I'll MAKE room, dammit!
5. Sonya-m - haven't soaped or been on here for ages so it's about time!!
6. Crispysoap - bring it on
7. PenelopeJane - this should be fun
8. Steve85569 - I just happen to have an FO that accelerates...
9. earlene - another new technique for me to learn! Thank you
10. HowieRoll - first challenge ever; new technique. What could go wrong?
Where you said we can have another colour in the middle that's not part of the gradient, does it need to be in the middle? Could I have one colour at the top then have my layers if gradient colour on top of it? And if I do that does the one layer of the other colour count towards the 5 or would I still need 5 layers of my gradient colour meaning 6 in total?