SMF February Challenge entry thread - Spin Swirl

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
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Darlington, UK
Please post your challenge entries on this thread. You simply need to post a clear picture of your soap, but we would also welcome a description of the technique you used and the additives/fragrance etc. That you have included in your entry.

Your entry photo/video MUST be a picture of at least one bar cut horizontally through the middle so that you show two bars - a mirror image of each other.

Please keep any other comments or compliments for the entries on the original challenge thread. This post is for entries only.
I was hoping I wouldn't be the first because I really want to see what other people did. However, here's my entry. This wasn't as easy as I thought it would be but I do find it amazing to see what comes up when you play with mirror images.

In this one, I see two things - a space monster a la Alien and then there's the kitty.

The white ended up being plopped but the rest stayed nice and fluid. I scented with a bit of patchouli, my favourite scent these days.

Here's my entry. I used white, black, dark purple (grape nehi from mad oils its my new fave) and ultramarine lavender from BB. I poured same style as the tute video... At least until I lost track of the hot mess. I tried to pour short pours in the beginning and longer pours at the end. Only one bar came out as I envisioned it (second picture) and my favorite. Fragranced with WSP midnight pomegranate dupe. Added the in the mold pic because there's no such thing as too many pictures of soap!



My Spin Swirl entry. I poured both a random pattern and some faux funnel pours. The colors were Wisteria Purple mixed with a small amount of Black Pearl micas, Kombu Green and Spring Green all from Nurture, and Flashdance from Mad Oils mixed with Wisteria Purple. This is fragranced with Black Raspberry Vanilla, also from Nurture.

Spin Swirl Challenge 001.jpg

Spin Swirl Challenge 002.jpg
My entry - gave me 10 pcs of soap, and around 20 pcs of cut out pieces that I will use later (not all of them is shown)
I cut it a bit early, so the cuts aren`t as clean. I will clean them up after curing (*slaps own hand for not waiting longer to cut*.)

33% lye concentration, 6% SF

Oil: Lard, Olive, CO, Castor.
Colors: Yellow oxide + Sunshine mica from Nurture, blue oxide and Activated Charcoal.
Scent: Animalistic Instinct from NG - this is supposedly a dupe for Axe Animalistic, and my husband confirms it smells very similar. This soap is for him and my brother. (My hands smell quite manly after taking pictures of these. They are luckily less hairy...)

Mold used: An empty tealights container covered in a plastic bag. Worked perfectly, can be reused many times.
BTW, the image was taken before I was finished spinning, but included it so you could see my makeshift "slab mold".

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Spin swirl_.jpg

My first attempt at a spin swirl using half of my loaf mold was a bit challenging as my divider collapsed during pouring. I wound up with very thin bars once cutting horizontally. I did not have another chance to try again.
Fragrance is NG's Euphoric Majesty. All micas from Nurture. My usual higher lard recipe with a small addition of canola to test.
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I only got one chance at it, and I cant say it went very well, but I thought I may as well post a picture :)

yellow oxide, purple ultra marine, cocoa powder, with teatree cedar and patch

I brought the oils and eos barely to emulsion, whisked the colour most of the way in then pulsed each one twice

I poured the brown first then laid the purple and yellow down in lines vertically and spun.

I wish I'd gotten a chance to make the slab mold I've been after but alas, this was done in a little silicone brownie pan

Not sure that I'll have time for another attempt this weekend so here goes nothing. I used a 1lb square silicone mold which didn't have much surface area so probably could have gotten more spin with a more traditional slab mold. My FO was BBs Blackberry Sage and colors are all Nuture micas (Orchid Purple, Alpine Green, Sunshine Yellow & Super Sparkles). This was also my first batch with 40% lye concentration and boy did it give me extra time to fiddle with the pour! My initial cuts were really messy so in my attempt to clean up I lost a bit of the 'mirror image' . . . hopefully this won't disqualify my entry.





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Out of my three attempts, I chose the first one finally. This is a typical lard/olive oil/coconut/castor recipe, only with sodium lactate as an additive and with 5% superfat. Scented with lemongrass, lavender, a touch of lemon myrtle and patchouli EOs.

Before I cut, the soap was nice on the outside, but not stunning. However when I cut horizontally the patterns became more visible with each bar so different!

I attach three photos, as you can clearly see my cats seem shocked that I did not bevel the soap. So the last two photos are after some cleaning done :).


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Here is my entry for this months challenge. Looks like purple was a popular color for this month!

I used a Castile soap recipe with goats milk, sodium citrate, and lavender EO. I brought the soap to light trace. This soap took me over 1 hour just to pour. There are over 45 layers/pours in it.

I used a loaf mold and cut into 4 slices vertically first. Then I cut each slice in half horizontally. This gave me 8 slices that were the same size and are the same size as my regular bars from this mold.

Before spin:

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After spin:
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Here's my third and final try. Scented with a blend of BB's Black Tea and Yuzu. I'm glad I blended it because oob the Black Tea smelled quite smoky, like scotch. I mean, I enjoy a couple fingers of Lagavulin as
much as the next person, but I don't want to shower with it, lol!

Overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but it's a bit of a bummer about the glycerin rivers in the white.

Here''s my entry "Lavender Blue Dilly Dilly"; and the scent is Lavender of course. My soap wound up like soap on a stick while I was mixing the colors, so I just plopped, rather than poured them in the corners, as shown in the how to video. I shook and banged and got almost no movement, so I just put my spatula in and made a circle, starting outside and working inside, Looks like I got a bunch of animals lurking in my soap! LOL


june spin swirl 2nd cutting C.jpg

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Wow you guys make my soaps look so sad.

After contemplating even entering I decided to take a pic of mine. The pic makes it look not so muddy...brightens it up a bit. However I'm still not pleased with my cuts but since I don't have time to redo I'll go ahead and post "the biggest loser" lol

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I think maybe I need a better mold and better colors. Lol
van Goghs - Starry Night (more like scarry night) I used colors to represent the moon, sky and peaks.
I made this late last night and it is still very soft. Olive, coconut, lard, Castor, shea and almond. Liquids are beer, goatsmilk, Aloe Vera and coconut milk. 9 micas from mad oils and TD that did not dissolve. Fragrance is The Perfect Man from nature's garden.
Did faux funnel, spin, mantra swirl then finally a diagonal swirl. I had no idea how it would turn out, but I wanted a lot of movement beyond the spin.
I was able to get 6 larger bars to split and then I split again. I know it's not pretty but I'm very happy with it.




Here is my entry. This is a goats milk with olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil and castor oil soap scented with eucalyptus oil. The colours are sunflower yellow, carmine red and frost bite blue (all micas)




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