1. Mobjack Bay- totally looking forward to this one!
2. AliOop
3. Pepsi Girl
4. MarnieSoapien - New swirls!!
5. dibbles - Love a hanger swirl!
6. Cellador- I'll give it a try....wheeeee!
7. szaza - count me in!
8. Nona'sFarm
9. Kosmerta- I am very excited for this challenge!
10. Kcryss - Can't wait to try this!
11. BattleGnome - I’m almost out of CP! Need to make a bunch before I run out
12. neonstudy
13. amd
14. bookreader451 - I stink at hanger swirls so I can't wait for an advanced technique LOL
15. DKing - Things are a bit stressful and crazy here currently, but hopefully I will find an opportunity to try it.
16. Mommycarlson - I'll give it a swirl....apologies if that has already been said
17. StormyK - eeep!
@Zing - this was on my list for 2020 and just got moved up to February!
19. Veggiebin - first challenge, I don’t post a lot, but think I have enough...this looks like a fun one! Did I do this right?
20. Amy78130- excited to give it a try!!!