Small tip to avoid splashes while mixing

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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South America (USA Expat)
Hi, I've done my second batch last night, so I'm still new. Maybe this tip won't be news to anyone nor use to people who make very large batches (you could always adapt it with something else than a zip lock bag).

While I was mixing my first batch, small splutters would jump out of the jug I was using to mix the soap even though the stick blender stayed well inside the soap. The jug was tall and the soap was at the way bottom (1lb batch) so it wasn't a problem of it being too full.

I didn't like the idea of getting small drops of fresh soap my face or neck or anywhere on the floor and the idea of not seeing them during cleanup (nor do I like striping down the whole garage or kitchen after a small 1lb batch...)

So for my second batch, I cut the bottom off a ziplock bag and I placed it up side down over the jug, covering the opening. I placed the blender though the bottom of the ziplock bag (that was pointing upwards) and held it shut over the blender during the mixing. That way, all of those small splutters stayed inside the jug/ziplock bag.

I barely covered the counter when I was working (only one folded newspaper to put down the ustensils) and didn't need to wash any surface afterwards!
Thanks for the tip.

When using a stick blender, it's important - Not just for safety, but to prevent little air pockets or pin holes in your soap, to keep the blade and "bell" completely submerged. Pick the appropriate soaping bowl to accomplish this, or adjust your batch size.
DottieF. said:
Soap shouldn't be splattering out of the bowl if you're using the right size container.
It wasn't really splattering. Just a couple of teeny tiny droplets once or twice if the soap got too carried away with the blender (it would whirl inside the jar).
I really think it was normal, it just got me nervous, so on my second go I made it foolproof in a "better safe than sorry" manner.