slowing trace by lowering temp before the mix

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Jun 8, 2014
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oK soap friends, I slowed down the trace by using lard, olive oil, and rice bran oil and mixed the lye water with the oils at about 80 degrees. My soap is in the mold. It's been about 8 hours and I never felt the heat emitting from the gel phase and the soap still feels very soft. Is this normal from not using palm oil and mixing at a much lower temp?:confused:
Yeah that sounds pretty normal to me. my recipe has thoses oils plus castor and sl and I can unmold in 20 hours ungelled and less than 12 gelled. Your soap probably didn't gel and thst is fine. Just wait a bit to see if it's ready.
This fine. I recently had soap that didn't gel until almost 24 hours later! It surprised me, because I went to cut and it was warm and getting soft when I checked it. I suspect it was FO. Be patient as it can take a couple days before you can un-mold and cut. :)