Despite making over 70 batches of soap, there is something still bothering me. Can I, or how can I write a recipe and control BOTH the lye concentration and the amount of water. That is, if I increase the lye concentration, will it automatically ( in a soap calc) decrease the amount of water? I've recently resized a recipe, but also increased the lye concentration from 30% to 33%. It seems that in doing so, I now have a 2:1 lye ratio, which I think is too much for this particular recipe (using oatmilk which goes gluggy). Can I just add in some extra water? The lye concentration is worked out in accordance with the the amount of lye needed to saponify the oils in the recipe right? So if I choose to add an extra , say 50g water, that won't affect the overall recipe (but will take longer to cure out) right?