I do pretty much this. A small litter scrap will find its way beside the sink, then, a week or two later,an entire end piece will move its way slowly towards the shower XD
I had a small piece from the edge and I'm using it now that I cut three days ago, it made my hands feel SO soft that I fell in love!. It does vanish faster but it's worth it lol. They just better hurry up and cure already!
I am getting better at waiting. I use to try them at a week or two but now usually at 3-4 weeks I will try it at the sink, 5-6 weeks if I like it I will move it to the shower. Once I realized how different it was with 4 or more weeks cure time I started waiting longer just to make sure I don't get "tight hands" which I hate.
Ha ha ha I think we all do that. I don't even wait to do a zap test anymore. I know it's still a bit caustic but hey I'm using under water!! I don't recommend it if you have any cuts however (ask me how I know...) it will sting. I do of course try little slivers of it after it doesn't zap as well, all the time really. One day, four days, one week etc etc. I love my soap slivers. Boy reading this over it sounds like I have some weird disorder!!