Shelf life with Liquid subs?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Do we need to worry about the liquid subs when we swap for the water or is soap pretty well pickled? I'm thinking about Aloe going into a long cure Castile and am curious if the aloe organics will rot. Or an explanation as to why they don't. I'm not too worried because I have yogurt soaps that are more than a year old that still seem good to go. Can you dispel the magic for me?
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Many times when you are using organic ingredients that can rot they already come with preservative added to them. (The aloe would be an example) However I make a mango soap and a papaya soap with puree I make myself and I have not had any problems with it going bad. I'm thinking it may have something to do with it being well mixed with soap that bacteria can not get a foothold but I am really not sure. I keep one bar from each batch for a year so I can check for any problems that may arise but so far they've all been good. (knock on wood)

I'd be interested in knowing the science behind it.
I have soaped all kinds of fresh pureed food items: Yogurt, Banana, Cucumber, Strawberries, pumpkin, Aloe, Oatmeal, and I am sure there are others I can't think of right now LOL! Then there have been teas, coconut milk, buttermilk, goatmilk, beer, etc, etc.

I have never had anything of my foodie soaps go bad. I am assuming it has to do with the alkalinity in the soap warding off the beasties (bacteria and mold).
I agree with Susie and Xraygrl that the high pH environment must have something to do with it.

The only times I have heard reports of soap going moldy from foodie ingredients was when the food was not pureed well enough (i.e, it was too chunky). Whenever I add foodie things to my soap, I always puree the beegeebees out of it. You want as much of the food particles to come into contact with the lye as possible. If there are chunks, the center won't get good enough contact with the lye and your soap may go moldy.

IrishLass :)

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