Shea butter?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
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Yakima, WA
Does anyone NOT like shea butter? I made some shea body butter, only a tiny bit of grapeseed oil and jojoba and my skin is drying out! So I was wondering if anyone else has issues with shea?
I don't think it's the shea that is drying you out. It must be something else.
Soap can be drying for some skin types, no matter what it's made with. Have you had similar dryness with other soaps?
Harlow said:
It's a body butter, not a soap.

could it be because shea is more of a "grease" and not a humicant(sp?) like glycerin...maybe adding gylcerin or water (I know nothing about body butter formulation but I have dreads which are VERY DRY and I need both oil and glycerin to hydrate)
What else have you changed? Did you start or stop using another product on the areas that are drying out? Could it be the change in temp?
This may be a little off from what you were talking about but, I have been using shea in all my recent soaps. Don't get the big deal, hasn't changed the properties all that much. The ingrediant I have noticed actually affects my soap in a positve way is castor oil. I haven't tried the more exotic additives yet but as far as I'm concerned, Shea is wayyyyy overated, as far as soap goes.
I know nothing about Boron Nitride. I did some googling & found several sources that said it could be a skin irritant. I also found it is a silica.

I am familiar with basic silica, it is an absorbant. It could literaly be sucking the moisture out of your skin, yes. What % are you using it at? If you were to stick your hand into a bag of powdered silica, you could watch it begin to dehydrate. Don't ask me how I know :? .
i never can use shea or cocoa butter body butters on my skin. it always makes me dry out.
OM gosh Tabitha. I bet that's what it is then. I don't know the percentage I used, it was a 1 lb. batch and I used 1 tsp. in that batch.

Oh well, I'll just have to leave that out next time.

Does Cornstarch dry as bad as silica?
Hey Dixie, don't know aboutnthe other, but silica is all drying agent, every time you buy and electronic device it has a silica drying agent pack in it.
Thanks to everyone. I got out a lotion bar last night. It only has a tiny bit of cornstarch in it. My skin is much better already:)
I love shea butter straight on my face - I use it every day in the winter - believe it or not (the unrefined stuff), but if I use it on my legs they ITCH LIKE CRAZY and get all flaky. Same for my son (the legs part). Now we both have eczema on our legs so that might somehow be part of it - but like I said, I love it on my face. Go figure.
That's weird. I'm testing spots now. Using straight shea on one arm and shea lotion bar on the other that has a little cornstarch in it. I shall see.

Have you tried straight mango as lotion?
Mango butter is nice, but it melts "thin" somehow. I actually like lard for my skin. Yea, I'm weird but it's really really nice.

I find shea somehow "warming" as I rub it in. There's a good deal of friction which could be part of the problem, too. Mango is cooling. Lard is a bit cooling but not as much so as the mango.
Dixie said:
Does anyone NOT like shea butter? I made some shea body butter, only a tiny bit of grapeseed oil and jojoba and my skin is drying out! So I was wondering if anyone else has issues with shea?

I have to say that I don't dislike shea, but it's not my favorite. Shea feels dry and powdery on my skin sometimes and not in a good way. I use a ton of it though because apparently, I'm alone in this... :wink:
Crisco is good for your skin, especially ezema and rosachia...I know i didn't spell that right. I went to a specialist once and that's what he told me to use. I've been using a little in my soaps lately.

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