Shea Butter base & technique Q

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Hi Everyone!

I am new here, and just made a batch of CP soap, but became very intrigued with the idea of M&P. I am on the Brambleberry site, and I am buying the clear base and would like a white base as well. The white shea butter base looks awesome. Would it stay white in the finished product? Also, is it good for layering?

How do I achieve the effect that makes those colorful "chunks" in the soap?
(I'm thinking Primal Elements-type soaps)

thanks so much!
Yes it does stay white if your EO/FO does not discolor. Your EO/FO supplier will be able to tell you if it will discolor. You can use it for layering. If you just want random chunks, it is just cut up soap and drop it in.

No the Primal Elements soap is another story. If you want it in the log you will have to get a long mold in the shape you want and they are kinda difficult to find. You can carve your own and embed it. You can also cut out shapes with cookie cutters, arrange in mold, Spray with alchol, and then pour your clear soap at about 110-120 degrees so you don't melt the embeds.

I know there are better tutorials for this and I am sure someone will chime in on some better ideas to do this. But really the best thing to do is just play around and see what works!

Good Luck! I do CP for the way it makes my skin feel and M&P for the creativity in me!

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