Shaving Soap Bowls & Cigar Boxes

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2011
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I'm looking for inexpensive shaving bowls & cigar boxes for shaving kits?

Anyone know any good places to look?
I really like the black plastic salsa bowls from the dollar store but they don't have a lid. Otherwise, a wide shallow plastic tub like hand cream come in would work good. Most soap supply companies have different plastic containers.
Thank you Obsidian :razz:

I'm really looking for wood, metal and ceramic.

Any ideas?
Also google cigar boxes and some links pop up with all sorts of used cigar boxes. Hope you find what you're looking for.
I have tried that but I'm not sure of the quality.

Has anyone bought any of these cigar boxes on google?
I haven't bought any cigar boxes online, but I found one for my shaving kits at a thrift store for $1.99. It did take me a while to find one just the right height for the mug, though.

I went to a local potter's shop for my shaving mugs. Spent more than I would've liked, but I wanted to keep things local and handmade. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1418848535.962786.jpg
Find a cigar shop near you and see if they have any boxes they are willing to give away or sell.