Shampoo Bar - Thanks Lindy!!

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Lindy, my other half has very thin hair. I am going to try your recipe. I was wondering if the cure time is different than other CP soaps?? (Minimum 4 weeks)

Also, can I use a FO or EO to scent the shampoo bar??

And I don't need to use a vinegar rinse after when using this shampoo bar, right??

thank you.

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Not lindy but yes, it cure like any other CP and you can scent it like regular CP too. I really do recommend a vinegar rinse regardless of which recipe you use but it might not be necessary for people with short hair.
Thanks to all for all the information here! I am happy to announce that this bar is working amazing for my hair. I did modify the original formula slightly, both accidentally and intentionally. I hp and tried after 2 weeks. My scale was off balance and I added way too much avocado oil so I just left it any removed the oo all together. I upped the castor by 5% and used palm and tallow combined at 25%. I added 3% argan and .5% black seed oil. I used beer as my total liquid and 2% sl. I do acv rinse. Love it thanks again
I made a batch three weeks ago and just tried it out. Slight mods- sunflower instead of soybean oil, 3% superfat, and sodium citrate. Works beautifully! I have soft to slightly hard water, and no need for an acid rinse. It's almost too cleansing, as well, but that may change as it cures longer.
Hi everyone! I made the soap with original recipe, with a slight change..i used some neem oil in place of complete avocado oil..avocado oil is very costly here..after a month of cure i used it is very very soft..the bar reduced in size after one wash was slipping off my hands and was melting rapidly..i left it as it is,may be needs more curing there any way to make the bar harder and long lasting?m having this fast melting problem with other soaps as cleaned off well on the scalp,but on the tips i had to use twice..after washing it twice and with acv rinse,hair feeling dry and frizzy, like normal shampoo.
I am sorry to resurrect this monster thread but I have been going back and forth about my shampoo bar and could use a little advice.

I made Genny's shampoo bar back in March and love it. I use it for my hair and also my facial soap. My only frustration is that I seem to have a slight bit of gunk building on my hairbrush. When I originally made Genny's recipe I did 6% SF, if I just drop that maybe to 3% should the gunk go away? Or should I also add just a smidge of coconut oil to break that down?

Any thoughts?
No, I don't know if a vinegar rinse is really necessary. Honestly the soap works great, I wash maybe once a week and never feel a build up, but my brush says a different story. I was looking to just add a little bit of cleansing in hopes of eliminating that. The lower SF should help too.

Just made it so I will report back in about 5-6 weeks.
I use that shampoo bar with 5% of CO and addition of soapwort and no gunk whatever. I use AVC rince , it is a must ;)) My hair is good :)
Thank you guys for this nice thread, I make shampoo bars too, I think I'll try the recipes here and share the results with you.
As for the vinegar it gives a very beautiful shiny look to the hair, and the smell goes away. It worth it to give it a try, there are a lot of books about the using of apple cider vinegar as a supplement and in daily life around the house.
As a rinse, one tbs for every 4 cups of water, even if its 1 tsp still gives good shiny look, let me know how it works for you guys.
Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I have curly/frizzy difficult hair. I have wanted to get away from commercial products all together, but my hair products have held me back. I'll be trying this one!

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