1. earlene - I've been wanting to try this!
2. SoapAddict415- this looks like fun! But then again, all the challenges look like fun lol.
3. Alzie-oh the possibilities! I'm in!
4. BattleGnome - crossing my fingers that I’ll have time before vacation
5. mommycarlson - just ordered some carving tools!
6. dibbles - time to put on my big girl pants and try this
7. Primrose - not something I've seen before. I'll give it a go
8. Redhead1226 - I bought the tools a year ago and haven't made this yet lol - Thanks for the push!
9. SaltedFig -

10. Zanzalawi - tricksy
11. LiLiSoapz- I am going to have somefancy soaps for my initial stash. Wooohoo!
12. amd - I don't really need 10 fingers... do I?
13. SunRiseArts (งツ)ว
14. scard- why not!?

15. szaza - let's see what happens!

16. Artemis - Aura (14 yrs) has informed me that I HAVE toparticipate. She insists!