sensitive skin soap

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I am not sure what you are asking about diapers for, but I have an answer for sensitive skin soap.

You can choose to make a clone type soap of Dove, but handcrafted soap is so rich in glycerin that simply making a higher superfat soap will probably be enough. Also, handcrafted soap lacks the synthetic detergents(syndets) that often cause the sensitivities in the first place. Here is a link to a good clone type recipe:

I make a conditioning soap with Avocado & Jojoba. It depends on what you are looking for in your soap. I just played on soap calc until I found something with the qualities I was looking for and then adjusted it from there. Made lots of batches until I had what I thought was perfect for me and my market.
I wrote this earlier in the "share your favourite recipe" section.
There is no other additive that I could compare to almond oil! It is a discovery for me, really. It feels superb to the skin - really luxurious, outstanding and very soft. 12% for me does wonders.
When I have tried it, it was such a difference in comparison to the 50+ batches I have previously made that I gave it to try to my husband and he noticed it immediately & asked what have I changed in the recipe.

I often replace part of oo with high oleic sunflower, macadamia or avocado (at 10-15%) but never ever noticed such a difference.

So, for me it would be low coconut, no eo or very little of eo, some decent amount of olive oil and almond oil.
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I know people who suffer with eczema and normally I recommend going to a specialist company who can deal with natural soaps. Companies like that might sometimes be more specialized to the users needs - something I think we all want.

I used to have severe eczema. Then I started making and using my own soaps and laundry soap. I no longer have eczema.

The causes of eczema are myriad and varied. The secret is to find out what the trigger(s) is/are, and get rid of it/them. The first step is to remove all potential causes, then when the eczema improves, add the products/foods back one a week until the eczema returns, then eliminate that product/food from use.

People really don't need to do without soaps altogether, so changing to something that has as few potential triggers as possible during the trial run of eliminating triggers is as good as it gets. So, they need to try unscented, uncolored soaps for bathing, laundry and dishes. If they use handcrafted soaps, they then eliminate syndets, and increase conditioning, both of which are beneficial. I have a relative that is doing this process now. She is amazed. I keep telling her it is not my soaps doing the work, just the lack of the trigger(s).

You can't label your soaps you sell as being for sensitive skin as far as I understand. You can't even conveniently have signs talking about the oils as being beneficial for any condition. So, if you sell your products, you must be extremely cautious.
I keep it relatively simple. My soap for sensitive skin contains only lard, OO and castor oil. No CO as it's very drying. I might include avocado oil in the next batch. I have only discovered it few moths ago. It makes great conditioning soap. But I think avocado oil soap might have one little disadvantage, it melts super quickly, it doesn't last as my other soaps.
I like a high conditioning, low cleansing with avocado and some lard in the recipe, no coconut. I would not recommend the dove clone, I ran it through a soap cal and its a fairly harsh bar, not what I'd use on my sensitive skin.
I like a high conditioning, low cleansing with avocado and some lard in the recipe, no coconut. I would not recommend the dove clone, I ran it through a soap cal and its a fairly harsh bar, not what I'd use on my sensitive skin.

Yeah, some of her bars are really harsh. The new dupe is even worse. I wouldn't touch it unless it had a 15-20% SF, not the 5% she gave it.

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