I'll keep updating this as time passes by the way. If another month or two goes by and the soaps still act vaguely like clay, then I'll know without a doubt that I'll have to change something
I understand your thinking (it's like "cheating") but, please, don't give it a second thought. You are free to make and sell the exact recipe. That is my intention. No worries. None. Nada. Zero. Zip.I don't want to make and sell soaps using someone else's exact recipe. That feels rather.. Ah, "unfair" isn't quite the right word lol
Perfect! If you do make it, and sell it, nothing would make me happier than for you to "pay it forward" by helping others who suffer from the same soap sensitivities that you and I, AND just about everyone on SMF experienced before making their own soap and other bath and body products.I wanted to make a business so that it's easier for others with the same skin problems to find safe soaps, without them having to make the soaps themselves.
Bit of a late reply sorry, life got busy, but yes, thanks for the rec., I have already read some of those, still have to read the rest though lolMy advice, to get off on the right foot, with a minimal investment of time and money, please take some time to read
Lovin' Soap Studio's Guide to Making Cold Process Soap