Scent recs for charcoal soap

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I prefer litsea to lemongrass in general, so that would be my choice. But use lemongrass if you don’t have litsea.
I haven't ordered litsea yet. I have way too many eos in my cart to justify and haven't had time to sit and pare down my list a bit. I do have tea tree and lemongrass that I picked up locally, though. I blended some in a glass jar at the wrong ratio, I think, because it smells just like a lemon floor cleaner or something along those lines. The smell is super familiar; it's not a bad smell, but not one I'd want in soap. Pretty sure I accidentally blended at 3:1 instead of 2:1. I'm going to correct it when I get my head on straight and re-smell it in the morning. Thank goodness I had enough sense to write down how many drops of each are in my jar.
I wonder if it's the lemongrass or the tea tree you don't love - or maybe both. Try adding a little lavender to the blend - it can't hurt and it might help.
Late to the party, but I like a tea tree and lavender (lavandin) blend in my charcoal soap. Straight tea tree is a bit much for me. I think I’ve also done a lavender and anise blend, with a very tiny amount of anise. It's strong and easily overpowers other eos.
What ratio of lavender:tea tree? I'll try it. I do not have anise. I can't stand the smell of black licorice. Lol
I always liked tea tree mixed with lemongrass or litsea or even Lavender with Lemongrass or even Eucalyptus. All were good sellers for me in my Charcoal bars. Also, any soaps I had charcoal mixed in with this fragrance from soap very well for me. if you just want to use a fragrance. Werewolf from Natures Garden was also popular with the men along with, of course, my Dragon's blood. Soap Supplies - Fierce For Men I always found tended to like soaps with charcoal and they did not have to be full charcoal soap. But you have to keep in mind I had a large male customer base.

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