Scale KD 7000

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Jun 8, 2020
Reaction score
I think I have seen someone mention this particular scale here. I bought one about a month ago. I am happy with it. But does anybody know how to keep the stupid thing live for longer? Everytime I walk away or pause for just a few minutes it shuts off, more so that my old crappy scale. More than once I had to do backwards math to figure out what I had in the pot.

If I turn to do something else, I have to keep touching it to keep it active (no comments from the peanut gallery LOL).

I don't have the manual anymore. I just started soaping for the night, and it happened again. Grinding on my nerves. It's like having to keep moving the mouse on the computer to keep it from going into hibernate...but at least I know how to fix that problem LOL.
Just very determined that no electronics will get the best of me. 😅

ETA: and also procrastinating from going to bed. Love my grandkids but this introvert needs a certain amount of quiet time to wind down after being with people all day - even little people that I love.