Regarding recipe #1, OO tracing speed can be all over the board. RBO might be a more consistent slow tracer, and maybe up the avocado by 10% if you're worried about hardness.Good to know about not having problems with the higher lye concentration. PNW winter weather provides enough "extra" water!
I do love the snowy white I can get with TD, but it definitely comes with problems. Perhaps white mica is white enough in a high lard recipe. I generally prefer my high lard soaps, but I know several people who won't use lard so I try to make both kinds. I often test a bar without knowing which recipe it is, and then check the recipe after I have an opinion. It's almost always a lard bar I like best (though that will never convince my vegan friends)!
Thank you for your suggestions on the lard bar. I used to use RBO until I ran out, and I have been debating whether to get more. I will, and I will try your recipe soon.
TD does accelerate trace, so when you're splitting off colors, mix everything else, and add TD last. Sorta like an accelerating FO.