Many times the local ASPCA or Humane Society will be able to come out and get them out. But you have to be careful it is a no kill shelter - or be ready to take the little ones in yourself.'re right. Not knowing the particulars of said culvert I shouldn't be prompting them to attempt this themselves...and not everyone has a havahart trap. Just often seems the case with bureaucracies you can whistle dixie in the meantime...I wonder if they were dumped into the culvert intentionally...I don't hear anything about a mother cat...some heartless soul praying for a gully washer...
IMO, the one sin that is hard for me to understand/forgive is abuse of animals and children. They do not understand what is happening, or why, just that they are in pain. I find it hard to even read about. All the other sins I get
Are they unable to come out or just unwilling? If they are trapped, firefighters might be able to help. Our volunteer fire department here is always extracting critters from precarious situations.
Can you tell how old they are? Can they walk? Can you see them; how far into the culvert are they? Is it fairly easy to access - as in...would a flat spade reach in there? Is there a local vet that might have ideas on how to help? Or helpful cat loving neighbors? I'm sure there's a way to get to them if enough people brainstorm!
I would call a local vet's office and explain the situation. They will know what to tell you to do. This will not be their first time trying to help someone rescue little critters.
Sorry to post and dissappear guys. They're not trapped I think it may be their home :/
They're at least 6 weeks old. The culvert goes all the way under the road, so it's easily 30 feet long. Way too long to reach in and it's too small for me to crawl through.
After I left some food out, I went back to see if it was eaten and it hasn't been. Mama may have moved them since I was out running with my dog when I spotted them. She may have felt threatened. I just hope it's far away from the road!
I'm gonna go check again tomorrow and see if there's any signs of them having come back. I'd hate to find them on the side of the road after being run over