Renaming Carnation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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So I've had a soap with carnation fo in it out for sale for some time now and its just not selling. My husband thinks it might be because of the name and I have to admit, when I think of carnations, I think of funeral homes or my grandma.

Does anyone have an idea what I could rename it? It smells really pretty. I was thinking of "flower market" but wanted other suggestions as well.

Or maybe mix it with another? I dislike florals but like a few mixed with apple.. like rose and apple. YUM!
Here are some synonyms for carnation. You might use one of them.

blushing, brick, carmine, cerise, cherry, cinnabar, copper, crimson, damask, flushed, madder, magenta, maroon, pink, puce, red, ruby, ruddy, scarlet, vermilion, wine-colored.
Hello! When I had my flower nursery several years ago I absolutely loved carnations. They are grouped under the name Dianthus - root words Dio meaning God and anthus meaning flower. Together meaning "God's Flower".

They also went by other names such as "Pinks"; "Clove Pinks", "China Pinks", "Cheddar Pinks", "Maiden Pinks or Fair Maiden Pinks", "Sweet Williams". I grew one rare type of true carnation - a French variety called 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' - or simply French Carnation. Wow, did it have a beautiful clove perfume.

Just naming your soap "Carnation" does not excite your customers. Jass it up with something like the above examples. Maybe something like..."Fair Maiden's Perfume" or something else...whatever. Don't give up on this unusual fragrance. :) I hope I inspired you - somehow.
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Thanks for the replies guys. Glen Im going to take your suggestion and try naming it "Fair Maiden". Thanks so much!
I also like Fair Maiden, French Carnation too! I've also noticed that sometimes the label makes a big difference, I have changed a label on a slow selling soap more than once and once it grabs their attention they'll pick it up and smell it, then it's a done deal! :)
I hope you'll post if/when you notice a difference in selling it with the name change. Also, do you think the FO you used is a good representative of carnation? I personally love carnations. To me they smell so fresh, like fresh air, which kind of cracks me up since they're known as a funeral flower. I would only want to use it if it has that element. What do you think for your FO and from which vendor did you get it?
And maybe add a "fair maid" image to your packaging? :thumbup:



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