When I was in a shop that sells natura siberica yesterday, the lady actually directed me towards a different brand called "WAAM". According to her, it's even more natural and should allow my hair to stay nice longer without washing. They only carry one shampoo base, that you can customize yourself with scent/color/active ingredients (same for the conditioner/hair mask base). I washed with the shampoo and conditioner yesterday and my hair is clean and shiny and easy to brush, but I miss the "texture" form lye soap.. I have very straight hair and like every girl with straight hair, I prefer to have some waves. With lye soap (as well as with clay) my hair would easily keep a wave from a bun or braid, but today it's very straight again (even after drying in a braid and beeing kept in a bun all day)... It does seem to have more volume than it used to have with 'regular' shampoo, so that's already a plus! Does anybody have a suggestion for additives that would bring back the wave-keeping ability to my hair?