Recipe Question

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Aug 19, 2007
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hey everyone! i'm ready to take the big step into cold process soaping. here's my question:

i have read alot of recipes, tried the soap calculator (which is a big help) and picked a basic recipe to try. the recipe does not tell me how much soap i will produce. is there any way for me to determine it prior to making a batch? i would hate to get all the way through the process and realize my mold isn't big enough.

thanks for your help!

Yes there is a formula. Here it is;
Take the length of your mold (inside measurements) X's the width, X's the height you want to pour to. Take this number X's .40. This will be the amount for you to put into your soap calculator as your oils/fats/butters. This is at normal water rate. I guarantee this formula to work perfectly! I know soap molds! LOL

Paul.... :wink:
SoapEmpress said:

and picked a basic recipe to try. the recipe does not tell me how much soap i will produce.

Just add the number of ounces of your oils, lye and liquid and that will be the total amount of raw soap your recipe produces.
Good point Lucy! My equation is just to figure out how much oils/fats you need to use to fill a certain size mold. Great advice and "spot on!"

Paul.... :wink:
It seems like there might be another question here and that is how much soap will her recipe make." If I understand that correctly, then you will need to decide how much oils and butters you want. So for instance, you want a recipe, before the lye and water, that is 40 oz of oils. Now, if your recipe calls for 15% coconut oil, you would that that percentage and turn it into a decimal

15% = .15

multiply that .15 by the 40 oz of oil and you get 6 so you would use 6 oz of coconut oil.. Figure each of your oils and butters this way and when you are finished, they all should equal 40 oz.

For example if I wanted to make a castille recipe using 3lbs of oils, I take that 3lbs and turn it to ounces
3x16= 48 oz

my recipe is:

90% oo
10% castor oil

I figure it this way

48 (total oz of my batch) x .90 (the 90% oo turned to a decimal)
48 mutiplied by .10 (10% for the castor)

48x.90= 43.2
48x.1 = 4.8
total 48 oz.

Don't forget then to add the water to that 48 oz of oils.

Now once you figure out how much your mold holds using the formula above, you can design a recipe that will fit and be able to figure out how much each ingredient when given a recipe in percentages.
wow... that was fast! thank you all for your help. i thought the total amount of oils, lye and water would give me an idea of how much soap each recipe called for. still, my brain was overthinking things again. :oops:

paul, you know your stuff, i will try your equation also.

cpsoaper, that wasn't my question but, your advice is great! i'm not advanced enough to think of a recipe from the back end but, you've got it all figured out. thanks for your help, too!
