I had a hard time wraping my little brain around that sticky because the part where you multiply it by .4 was throwing me off...
Then I realized that we were comparing INCHES and OUNCES... so when we figure out the volume of the molds by doing the L*H*W caluclation, you're getting how many inches of volume the mold has. This has nothing to do with how many ounces it holds... then we do something *magical* and multiply it by .4 Doing this acccomplishes two things at once, it converts the inches into ounces, and it factors out the lye/water. So actually depending on how much water discount you take, you may have more or less wet batter in your mold because the end result of the formula (L*X*H)*.4 is only calculating how much OILS you'll need
SO... once you have gone through the exercise from the info in the sticky and know how many pound of oils your recipe should have, you can go to soapcalc and enter in your ingredients by weight or percent...I'm going to assume your recipe is telling you how much to enter by weight ie 8 ounces olive oil 6 ounces cocount oil, etc... if you enter by weight, just enter in the original recipe, then when all the oils are entered, click compute recipe. Now next to where it says "soap recipe" where you entered in all your oils, change your entry prefernce from weight to percent, then go to the upper center where it says total weight of oils and change that to the amount of oils you need.... you HAVE to change your entry preference from weight to percent so that the total oils weight field can be changed. Now click Compute recipe again, and voila, your recipe is converted!
Hope this helps.