Turned out great! Good job!
Thanks so much! I am thrilled people who actually make soap think it turned out okay. My family would think it great even if it was a complete mess, lol!
Turned out great! Good job!
Castile is the ultimate lesson in soaping patience. Unless you reduced the amount of water used in the recipe, it may take some time to unmold, and more time yet to cut. But the longest part is the verrrryyyy long cure time. It is lovely soap, but it's best after several months, and even better after a full year!
Just give it time to be firm enough to unmold and cut without smushing the edges and making big thumbprints in it lol --- ask me how I know this...
Edited to admit... I lasted a whole.... week. Before I had to try it. I have no patience.
I made myself a HP batch of it, which has a totally different feel to the bar... has a creamy slippery lather but also bubbly, and the bar does not feel as rock-hard as my now-dry CP Castile bars do.
And the CP ones are just over 4wks old now, and they're just... slippery gooey lather, no bubbles yet. Nice on the skin already, but... I see why they say wait a year LOL It is a weird sort of lather at this stage of curing.
I feel your pain, lanafana! I did a OO/Soybean/CO/Castor recipe I made still isn't ready to unmold, even after a week! I want to know how the swirls came out!
Awwww! Purple is my absolute favorite color! I had lots of plans for purple soap. I hope I can figure it out. What did you use to color the soap?
lol Well, this is my second batch of bar soap... First batch was 100% coconut oil, so it hardened up very quickly and was at the perfect consistency for cutting something like 12 hours later.
You'd think I'd have patience. I bake bread, and knit... But nope! No patience here! lol
But I'm definitely going to remember to discount water or add sodium lactate to future soft batches. Maybe figure out some way to encourage gelling... (My first batch didn't gel, and I'm fairly certain this didn't either.)
I used lavender ultramarine powder. It is pretty, but I was trying to make a very light lavender with a darker purple swirl. But by the time I got enough color in to overcome the gray it was much darker than I wanted and had moved really fast, so...no swirl. :-| I was bummed. Scented it with lavender eo. Smells lovely though!
I still don't make my own recipes so the discounting water thing kinda scares me. I'm too new at this to this to try anything out if the ordinary. I need to figure it out though because it sounds like it will be useful in the future (that's if I ever attemp Castile again!!).
And with the gelling. How do you know if it had gelled or not? Is is translucent like throughout the bar?
Do you mean, how much oil for your mould?
That is the hole in your mould size as Inches Height x Width x Length x 0.4 = oils in ounces
hole in your mould size as CMs Height x Width x Length x 07 = oils in grams
eta - I say the hole in the mould, as the height and so on can be different on the outside of the mould! It is the space that the soap goes in to, not the actual size of the mould, if that make sense.
Which lye calculator are you using? Brambleberry's? SoapCalc? SBM?When I put my percentages of oils in lye calc and it gives me a recipe, what size batch is that recipe for?? I know I am really exposing my stupidity right now, lol! Is it a 1, 2, lb batch? I'm confused
Which lye calculator are you using? Brambleberry's? SoapCalc? SBM?
There should be a place at the top, I think the default is usually 1 lb.
It should also show the total oil amount at the bottom under the oils listed.