Rebatch coloring...?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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Meet my Cranberry Wine with Poppy seeds 4x Goat Milk soap!

This is the third (yes, third) time I've rebatched this same soap, all because of color issues. Each time I added more color thinking that I just hadn't added enough before. This was a wine and milk soap that I wanted to make into a wine color. I mixed my purple and red and got a great color on the outside, but a greenish tan on the inside. Rebatched and got the same result. Rebatched again with added burgundy and got this camo looking soap.


Rebatched last night with straight red and mixed the batch so well that I thought I was going to break my mixer. It was all red all the way through till I cut it...and again, this ugly center.


Think it's problems with the dye, or the wine? Either way, now it's got 4x the goat milk of any other soap and it's freakin' heaven to lather. Looks like your lather is a milkshake :) But you can't show off the heavenly lather if no one will want to use it because it looks like poop. :(
Maybe I'm alone in this, but I think it looks fine. Just go with it!!

Or shred and add to a new batch of white. That might work out quite nicely.
I think the color is nice. You could always cut off the tops to even-up the bars if you don't like the rustic look, but I don't think that's necessary.
It looks good to me-I would use it!! anyway, I didn't realize you could keep rebatching the same soap over & over...thats good to know cuz I rebatch some last week and it hasn't firmed up at all-still very soft. Guess i will try again. What method did you use, oven, crock pot or microwave?
I did the crock pot method. Works pretty well for me.

It's a shame it's so's the best soap I've ever made or used by far.
The outside of your soap is exposed to air, the inside isnt. Give your soap time and you should find that the inside matches the outside.

I find goatsmilk soap especially is prone to this. I did a chocolate and gm bar the other day. It looks dark brown almost black I cut a chunk off last night to test - light caramel in the middle. Today dark brown. :wink:
I never measured....just enough to make it a little wet and easy to melt.

I think I'm going to throw that red dye out. :(
I thought both soaps looked fine.

Wait on the second, the color may become uniform as it oxidizes.

What colorant did you use?
A day later and the centers are a bit more dark browny red.

I got a starter kit of soap dyes on ebay. It said safe for CP, M&P, and candle making, I believe. Wanted something kinda cheap so I didn't waste money on failed batches. Soap itself is great though!