Re-Batching - 1 more time

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Soap Diva Queen
Supporting Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
I make solid shaving soap and then I shred it so I can custom scent each one for my internet customers. The first thing I need to tell you is that I use Sodium Lactate in my shaving soap recipe.

So I grate them up with a really fine cheese grater and then I place the soap into a large measuring cup. Add enough water to moisten the soap and then put into the microwave. My first zap is full temp 1 1/2 minutes. I then stir it like crazy and then starting zapping it at 70% strength for 45 seconds at a time watching the soap the whole time and then stirring it really well until I have it down to a liquid, add my fragrance and zap it again @ 70% for 20 seconds then pour. Here are some pictures of the process.

This is the grated soap:


Measured and in the measuring cup, zapped once already:


Now you can see it liquifying:



Poured and in the jar ready to go to the customer:


I hope this helps... I don't know how this would work in a large batch, but it should be pretty similar....

Ah you're welcome Hazel....

Relle9 this can be applied to any kind of soap, I just use it for my shaving soaps... 8)
Wow, you DO make it look easy. I might try HPing this way with some scraps I have been squirreling away, instead of throwing away. It might smell a little funny since it will be a combo of a few different kinds of soaps. But at least it won't be going to waste. My other HP soaps I have done in my soap pot on the stove. They were less than beautimous........much less, hahaha! Maybe if I do it this way they will look better.
Great pictures, thank you for posting. What is Sodium Lactate? What does it do for the shaving soap?
I have read about rebatching using milk by cooking it on the stove, but I like your way a whole lot better. :D
Thank you SunflowerAcres & AngelMomma.

SunflowerAcres Sodium Lactate adds a few things to the Shaving Soap, actually any soap really. First it does increase your lather, hardens the soap but it also allows for easy 'milling' aka rebatching. I like it for HP soap in general as well as my Hemp soap because hemp takes forever and a day to harden up, Sodium Lactate hardens it up right away.

You can find Sodium Lactate at most of your regular soap suppliers.
Oh, thank you Lindy. I'll look into it. I keep running out of Castor oil to add lather to my shampoo bars.
You're welcome. You should be able to buy your Castor oil in 1 jug bottles from your regular suppliers. I like New Directions for pricing on it....
Hi Lindy,
Thanks for the great tutorial. I have a question- when I put my coconut, palm,olive soap in the microwave (after 4,5 days of making it). It completely melted to a a liquid ( it looked like a mixtures of oils again, no completely transparent, not white cream likes yours).otherwise at room temp it's a solid soap and lathers fine.
But looking at your pics your soap only becomes creamy consistency, not to a complete liquid like mine. I wanted to re-shape my CP soap so had melted it, but din expect it to look completely like oils again.

Any ideas where I could be going wrong.
Thanks in advance!

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