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Attached is the price comparison I promised. Obviously I couldn't compare every oil and every possible supplier, so I chose the ones that carried most of the oils I chose. I chose the EO's somewhat randomly based on personal preference as well as assumptions of which ones are commonly used by most of us. I did not factor in shipping/handling. To reach the pricing, I chose 4oz as the standard, and where there was not 4oz option, I calculated the closest per oz. price down to the oz and grossed the price up to 4oz, so these ARE apples to apples comparisons based on 4oz. each. The moral of the story is there is no dependable low cost supplier, and you simply have to shop around for your best deal. Sorry. I had hoped to be able to say "XYZ supplier is the best bang for the buck" but no luck.

View attachment EO Prices.pdf

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