Very cool.. I like looking at things like that.Caught this while making a batch of candles last week thought it looked pretty cool it was the was dye melting before being stirred
Las Vegas is getting a little snow.
I wont have beach pics until March 14th when I go on my cruise to Mexico. Then I send a ton, just for you!!Noooooo! No more snow picturesI'm buried 5 feet and the stuff and tired of it! Y'all start posting beach pictures, please
I want a 'Love' button!
I just posted a series of these on IG hehe..I want a 'Love' button!
Rediscovered this recently. This is Aura way back when she did not want to go to sleep. Now that she's fifteen, she is still often the first one up or at least the first ready to go. View attachment 36930
When her brother Gaius was little, if he disappeared at Grandpa's house, we knew he was headed for that phone. He called 911 and I thought I had hung up in time. Apparently not, because they called right back! So, I got scolded for my toddler pushing random buttons.i JUST SPIT OUT MY WATER !! That is just so adorable !
I have one of my DD like that holding the phone.... 10 min later the Cops showed up due to a 911 call .. Good job X-hubby for letting her push buttons