I hope Relle misses this thread!
I didn't :thumbdown:, cruel, we don't talk of such things in our household.:silent:
How lucky you are. I would love to get hold of rabbits for meat, my mom loves rabbit and I just cannot find it anymore. Would love to surprise her with a bunny dinner. YummyMy husband raises rabbits for meat and he's been saving the fat for me in the freezer. Has anyone ever used it in soap before? If so, how did it behave? What qualities did you notice?
Cmzaha, if I was near you I would gladly sell you some rabbitsThey are very good and we only raise ours on organic feed and occasional greens.
Thanks to all for their input!
We have traded rabbit with friends for different things but we have not actually sold them. We only have 12 rabbits at the moment. My husband got into raising rabbits because the cost of organic meat in the stores is very expensive and we like knowing where our food comes from and how it's been treated. We also have chickens for eggs, guineas for tick control, and bees for honey.
I heard guineas make great watch fowl. When I lived in TX, a friend had a few of them. He said they raised the alarm sooner than his dogs did when foxes and coyotes were wandering too close. (I wondered if he had a baby monitor in the chicken coop.)