I remember my grandparents had a kumquat tree/bush in their yard. I'd color it orange with a green swirl. Those are the two colors that come to mind when I think of kumquats. Where did you get your scent? Does it smell good?
Nancy, I bought it a year or so ago from Bramble Berry. I soaped it before and put orange swirls in it. It turned out great. It reminds me of the old chewable childrens baby aspirins that were an orange taste. I read it was from the pomegranate family so I wasn't sure what to color it.
Thanks for the pic of the kumquats. Now I know what they look like. I swirled with tangerine pop mica. Will take out of mold this evening. It sure does smell good. Will do pics tomorrow.
Thanks and I hope everyone has a safe and happy July4th!!