Does anyone print their own labels for soap? Ideally, I'd like to print straight onto card and use it as packaging around the soap. I can't use plastic, so shrink wrapping and sticking a label on are out of the question. I've had a logo designed and would like to play around with designing labels.
Is it easy enough to print your own and still look professional? I'd love to see some photos of your homemade labels for inspiration! :wave:
I didn't just want to see photos of other people's labels, it was more general advice from those who print labels at home - the replies have been very helpful. I trawl through this forum for hours every day, I'm not looking for shortcuts.
I think that sometimes your replies come off as a little abrupt and although I know that you are trying to be helpful (I've really appreciated your advice in other threads I've created), it can sometimes come off as a little rude. Replies like this almost put me off creating threads here. I know this topic has been covered and I've read the relevant threads using the search function, however a lot of the threads are outdated and it's nice to have some new, up-to-date replies from newer members who might not have been around to post in the older threads.
Spenny, I looked at your past posts and you made it clear that you are working on learning to soap and just looking to the far future to sell. Which is great. Sorry for the elephant reference.
Thanks not_ally. I was going to reply and say that thinking about labels doesn't equate to me being ready to sell at the moment, and definitely not any time soon. I'm still trying to formulate a great recipe! :shock:
I know, totally my bad. Isn't it amazing how obsessed you can get with different aspects of the whole soaping thing? I spent about four full days designing labels about a year ago and still never came to a final version. I was just doing mp then, and now my bars are differently shaped b/c they are mostly from logs, so I get to do the label thing again!
They are pretty hard to get perfectly right, aren't they? Ie; you want them to represent you *and* be pleasing to other people.
When you look at your original question, the answers are already in this section - it is clear that many people print their own labels, it is clear that some people make cigar bands on to naked soap and it is clear that they can do it and make it look professional. New input doesn't change that, as the examples are in this section already.
I make similar replies when questions are asked about any topic that is well covered (shaving soap would be an example) but I do admit that I expect more from people who want to sell, especially when it is too early. That might well be wrong of me, but there it is
It's not that extensively quoting the OP, doubling down on your remarks, then dog-whistling the selling-too-early police for good measure makes you seem defensive or anything.
not_ally said:I am probably second only to Irish Lass as the hobbyist who wants everything to be perfect for our giftees. It is just a great creative outlet, so I get why it takes a while. Sorry, IL, didn't mean to sweep you up in the OCD net ...
not_ally said:I spent about four full days designing labels about a year ago and still never came to a final version. I was just doing mp then, and now my bars are differently shaped b/c they are mostly from logs, so I get to do the label thing again!
MtnSoaper said:The fact that I may never realize my dream doesn't mean I try any less to perfect my skills--which includes label design. You can bet I have a logo, labels, and even a domain name (which I pay for every year). Maybe I won't ever use any of this, but at least I know I'll be prepared. I think it's a sign of great passion.
When you look at your original question, the answers are already in this section - it is clear that many people print their own labels, it is clear that some people make cigar bands on to naked soap and it is clear that they can do it and make it look professional. New input doesn't change that, as the examples are in this section already.
I make similar replies when questions are asked about any topic that is well covered (shaving soap would be an example) but I do admit that I expect more from people who want to sell, especially when it is too early. That might well be wrong of me, but there it is
I have to say that, and if we are honest I think no one can argue - it depends on the question. I think most people have looked at a question and thought 'really? You're actually asking that?' Such as when there are two almost identical questions on the first page of a section, both very active. As I said before, within the first few pages of this section are found the answers to all of the original questions.
It would be like someone who has been here a while asking in the liquid soap section if there is more than one method to making liquid soap, that doesn't include lye excess and neutralization, when there are a number of posts in the first few pages that have different methods which would be found with a few clicks back through the section.
I am not against questions being asked again in general, as it can indeed bring things further and bring new input. But nothing in the original post would have been helped with new input - the answers to the two questions asked are 'yes' and 'yes' as the section is chock full of examples of people printing their own professional looking labels.
But I see I am flogging a dead horse on this one.